Wednesday, 8 February 2017


Rotate Instructions In a rotate instruction, the bits that slide off the end of the register are fed back into the spaces. Rotate dest to the right by src bits. Syntax 1 : ror src, dest #GAS Syntax ror dest, src #Intel syntax Rotate dest to the left by src bits. Syntax 2 : rol src, dest #GAS Syntax rol dest, src #Intel syntax Rotate With Carry Instructions Like with shifts, the rotate can use the carry bit as the "extra" bit that it shifts through. Rotate dest to the right by src bits with carry. Syntax 1 : rcr src, dest #GAS Syntax rcr dest, src #Intel syntax Rotate dest to the left by src bits with carry. Syntax 2 : rcl src, dest #GAS Syntax rcl dest, src #Intel syntax Number of arguments Unless stated, these instructions can take either one or two arguments. If only one is supplied, it is assumed to be a register or memory location and the number of bits to shift/rotate is one (this may be dependent on the assembler in use, however). shrl $1, %eax is equivalent to shrl %eax (GAS syntax).

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