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Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Move byte
Syntax :
The movsb instruction copies one byte from the memory location specified in esi to the location specified in edi. If the direction flag is cleared, then esi and edi are incremented after the operation. Otherwise, if the direction flag is set, then the pointers are decremented. In that case the copy would happen in the reverse direction, starting at the highest address and moving toward lower addresses until ecx is zero.
Modified flags
No FLAGS are modified by this instruction
Example :
section .text
; copy mystr into mystr2
mov esi, mystr ; loads address of mystr into esi
mov edi, mystr2 ; loads address of mystr2 into edi
cld ; clear direction flag (forward)
mov ecx,6
rep movsb ; copy six times
section .bss
mystr2: resb 6
section .data
mystr db "Hello", 0x0
Move Word
Syntax :
The movsw instruction copies one word (two bytes) from the location specified in esi to the location specified in edi. It basically does the same thing as movsb, except with words instead of bytes.
Modified flags
No FLAGS are modified by this instruction
Example :
section .code
; copy mystr into mystr2
mov esi, mystr
mov edi, mystr2
mov ecx,4
rep movsw
; mystr2 is now AaBbCca\0
section .bss
mystr2: resb 8
section .data
mystr db "AaBbCca", 0x0
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