HRD Minister inaugurates Super Computer PARAM-ISHAN at IIT Guwahati Union Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on 19 September 2016 inaugurated the super computer PARAM ISHAN at IIT Guwahati campus. Students and faculty members of IIT Guwahati are expected to derive huge benefit from the facility. PARAM ISHAN • It is the fastest and most powerful computer in North East, Eastern and Southern region. • It has been jointly developed by IIT Guwahati and Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, C -DAC. • PARAM ISHAN has the power of 250 Teraflops and 300 terabyte capacity and can be used in the application areas like computational chemistry, computational fluid dynamics, computational electromagnetic, civil engineering structures, nana-block self assemble, optimization and others. • It can also be used for weather, climate modeling and seismic data processing.
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Thursday, 29 September 2016
Scientists use stem cells to successfully grow human lungs in a dish A team of researchers from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) created a three-dimensional lung, called as organoids, to study diseases, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The organoids resemble sections of human lungs instead of just cells. The study was published in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine. How the researchers grew lungs? • The researchers used stem cells taken from actual adult human lungs to coat tiny sticky hydrogel beads. • The beads eventually grew and self-assembled to envelope the hydrogel beads, which were all placed inside linked wells. • The resulting structure produced evenly distributed three-dimensional patterns consistent with actual air sacs like those in human lungs. • Inside each well, the lung cells grew around the beads, which linked them and formed an evenly distributed three-dimensional pattern. • To show that these tiny organoids mimicked the structure of actual lungs, the researchers compared the lab-grown tissues with real sections of human lung. • Moreover, when the researchers added certain molecular factors to the 3D cultures, the lungs developed scars similar to those seen in the lungs of people who have idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. • The scientists were not able build a fully functional lung. However, they have been able to take lung cells and place them in the correct geometrical spacing and pattern to mimic a human lung. What is Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis? • Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic lung disease characterised by scarring of the lungs. • The scarring makes the lungs thick and stiff, which over time results in progressively worsening shortness of breath and lack of oxygen to the brain and vital organs. • The term 'idiopathic' is used because the cause of pulmonary fibrosis is still unknown. • To study the effect of genetic mutations or drugs on lung cells, researchers have previously relied on two-dimensional cultures of the cells. But when they take cells from people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and grow them on these flat cultures, the cells appear healthy.
MIT develops a spectroscopic technique to detect Martian life Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US have developed a spectroscopic technique that would help the 2020 Mars Rover to non-invasively identify sediments that are relatively unaltered, and maintain much of their original composition. Such pristine samples will allow scientists to identify the signs of former life, if they existed, on the red planet. The new technique is based on an improved way of interpreting the results of Raman spectroscopy, a common, non-destructive process used by geologists to identify the chemical composition of ancient rocks. Raman spectroscopy • It is a common, non-destructive process that geologists use to identify the chemical composition of ancient rocks. • It is used to identify whether a sample contain carbonaceous matter. • The presence of carbonaceous matter suggests that the sample may also have harbors sign of life. • With the new improve spectroscopy techniques; researchers can now also estimate the ratio of hydrogen to carbon atoms in a sample. • Hydrogen can be used as basis to determine if a certain sample is pristine or not. • If the sample has low hydrogen, it is possible that it has experience more heating, altering its organic matter and losing hydrogen in a form of methane. Besides, the 2020 Mars Rover would be equipped with several scientific tools including Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals (SHERLOC). SHERLOC is an instrument that will acquire Raman spectra from samples on or just below the Martian surface. SHERLOC will be pivotal in determining whether life ever existed on Mars. Development of the technique at MIT was reported in the journal Carbon. 2020 Mars Rover NASA has plans to launch a new Mars rover that will be tasked to probe the region on the planet believed to hold remnants of ancient microbial life. The rover will collect samples of rocks and soil, and store them on the Martian surface. The collected samples would be returned to Earth sometime in the distant future so that scientists can meticulously analyze the samples for signs of present or former extraterrestrial life.
NASA spots possible Water Plumes Erupting on Jupiter's Moon Europa The latest finding has given scientists fresh hope that a robotic spacecraft could one day fly past these potential plumes and learn about their contents without having to drill miles deep into the moon's icy shell. Using ultraviolet images taken by Hubble, a space telescope that was launched in 1990, the potential plumes were seen around the southern edge of Europa and appear as dark fingers or patches of possible absorption. They were spotted over the course of 15 months in 2014 when scientists observed Europa passing in front of Jupiter. This was observed by a team of astronomers led by William Sparks of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore. They observed these finger-like projections while viewing Europa's limb as the moon passed in front of Jupiter. If confirmed, Europa would be the second moon in the solar system known to have water vapor plumes. In 2005, NASA's Cassini orbiter detected jets of water vapor and dust spewing off the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus. About the Plumes on Europa The plumes are estimated to rise about 125 miles (200 kilometers) before, presumably, raining material back down onto Europa's surface. Europa has a huge global ocean that contains twice water than Earth’s oceans, which is protected by a layer of extremely cold and hard ice of unknown thickness. The plumes provide a tantalizing opportunity to gather samples originating from under the surface without having to land or drill through the ice. Previous Finding Earlier in 2012, a team led by Lorenz Roth of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, detected evidence of water vapor erupting from the frigid south polar region of Europa and reaching more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) into space. Although both teams used Hubble's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph instrument, each used a totally independent method to arrive at the same conclusion. Next step to confirm presence of water vapor plumes on Europa It is expected that scientists will use the infrared vision of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, which is scheduled to launch in 2018, to confirm venting or plume activity on Europa. Besides, NASA is also formulating a mission to Europa with a payload that could confirm the presence of plumes and study them from close range during multiple flybys. The work by Sparks and his colleagues will be published in the 29 September 2016 issue of the Astrophysical Journal. Hubble Space Telescope It is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (the European Space Agency.) NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. STScI, which is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy in Washington, conducts Hubble science operations.
Union Cabinet approves establishment of Higher Education Financing Agency The Union Cabinet on 12 September 2016 approved the creation of the Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA). The HEFA will be established to give a major push for creation of high quality infrastructure in premier educational institutions. Key highlights of the HEFA • The HEFA will be jointly promoted by the identified Promoter and the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) with an authorised capital of 2000 crore rupees. The Government equity will be 1000 crore rupees. • The HEFA will be formed as a SPV within a PSU Bank/ Government-owned-NBFC. It will leverage the equity to rise up to 20000 crore rupees for funding projects for infrastructure and development of world class Labs in IITs/IIMs/NITs and such other institutions. • It will also mobilise CSR funds from PSUs/Corporates, which will in turn be released for promoting research and innovation in these institutions on grant basis. • The HEFA will finance the civil and lab infrastructure projects through a 10-year loan. • All the Centrally Funded Higher Educational Institutions will be eligible for joining as members of the HEFA. • For joining as members, the Institution should agree to escrow a specific amount from their internal accruals to HEFA for a period of 10 years. This secured future flows will be securitised by the HEFA for mobilising the funds from the market. • Each member institution will be eligible for a credit limit as decided by HEFA based on the amount agreed to be escrowed from the internal accruals.
Union Government notifies new import policy for marble & travertine blocks Union Government on 18 September 2016 notified the new import policy for marble and travertine blocks and marble and granite slabs. The policy will come into effect from 1 October 2016. The new policy ends the quantitative restriction on the import of marble and travertine blocks as well as the cumbersome and restrictive import licensing system.  The Minimum Import Price (MIP) for marble blocks has been reduced to 200 US dollar per metric ton. The basic customs duty on import of marble and travertine blocks has been increased from 10 percent to 40 percent to address the interest of domestic producers. Similarly, the MIP on the import of marble slabs is being reduced to 40 US dollar per square metre and the basic customs duty on the import of marble slabs is doubled to 20 percent. The MIP on the import of granite slabs has been reduced to 50 US Dollars per square metre and the basic customs duty on import of granite slabs has been doubled to 20 percent. The new policy balances the interests of domestic consumers, producers and processors, and ends the cumbersome licensing system for import of Marble & Travertine blocks.
India, Samoa tax information exchange agreement approved The Union Cabinet on 21 September 2016 gave its approval for signing and ratification of agreement between India and Samoa for the exchange of information with respect to Taxes. This agreement will stimulate the flow of exchange of information between the two nations for tax purposes which will help curb tax evasion and tax avoidance. As of now, there are no financial implications between the two nations. Only in the event of extraordinary costs exceeding 500 US dollars, the same will be borne by India. India has similar provisions in other such tax information exchange agreement.  Salient features of the Agreement • It enables the competent authorities of the two nations to provide assistance through exchange of information that is relevant to the administration and enforcement of the domestic laws of the two countries concerning taxes covered by this Agreement. • The information received under the Agreement shall be treated as confidential and may be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts or administrative bodies) concerned with assessment, collection, enforcement, prosecution or determination of appeals in relation to taxes covered under the Agreement. Information may be disclosed to any other person or entity or authority or jurisdiction with the prior written consent of the information sending country. • The Agreement also provides for Mutual Agreement Procedure for resolving any difference or for agreeing on procedures under the Agreement. • The Agreement shall enter into force on the date of notification of completion of the procedures required by the respective laws of the two countries for entry into force of the Agreement. Negotiations for entering into an Agreement for the exchange of information with respect to Taxes were finalized between India and Samoa in June 2016 and both countries have agreed on the text of the Agreement. Section 90 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 allows the Union Government to enter into an agreement with a foreign country or specified territory for exchange of information for the prevention of evasion or avoidance of income-tax chargeable under the Income-tax Act, 1961.
Union Cabinet approves Winding up of Hindustan Diamond Company Private Limited The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs gave its approval for initiating the process of winding up of Hindustan Diamond Company Private Limited (HDCPL). HDCPL is 50:50 joint venture of the Union Government and De Beers Centenary Mauritius Limited (DBCML). The winding up of HDCPL is not likely to affect supply of rough diamonds to Indian diamantaires because the Indian diamond industry has grown in all these years. At present, India is a house of top diamond producers.  Besides, the Special Notified Zone (SNZ) at Bharat Diamond Bourse, Mumbai established in 2015 also enables the smaller Indian players to have a direct access to the supply of rough diamond. Hindustan Diamond Company Private Limited The HDCPL was incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 in 1978. The company was established with an objective to supply rough diamonds to diamond processing industry in India, particularly to small and medium diamond jewellery exporters. In the past, the Indian diamond exporters didn’t had a direct access to rough diamonds from Diamond Trading Company (DTC), London. DTC is the marketing arm of De Beers who held a very large chunk of world’s rough diamonds market.
CCEA approves 5176 crore rupees Capital Grant for GAIL pipeline project The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 21 September 2016 approved the partial capital grant of 5176 crore rupees to GAIL (India) Limited for development of 2539 km long Jagdishpur-Haidia and Bokaro-Dhamra Gas Pipeline (JHBDPL) project. This grant is 40 percent of the total estimated capital cost of 12940 crore rupees. Highlights of the JHBDPL project • JHBDPL project will connect Eastern part of the country with National Gas Grid. • It will ensure the availability of clean and eco-friendly fuel i.e. Natural Gas to the industrial, commercial and transport sectors in the States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal. • This Capital Grant will encourage the supply of eco-friendly fuel at affordable tariffs to industries and will encourage industrial development in these states. Other Development The CCEA also approved the simultaneous development of City Gas Distribution (CGD) networks in cities namely Varanasi, Patna, Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, Cuttack etc. en-route of JHBDPL project. These distribution networks will be developed by GAIL in collaboration with the concerned State Governments. It will bring clean cooking fuel at the door step of Domestic households as well as provide clean fuel to transport sector in the eastern region.
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