Wednesday, 8 February 2017


Syntax 1 : adc src, dest #GAS Syntax adc dest, src #Intel syntax Add with carry. Adds src + carry flag to dest, storing result in dest. Usually follows a normal add instruction to deal with values twice as large as the size of the register. In the following example, source contains a 64-bit number which will be added to destination. Example : mov eax, [source] ; read low 32 bits mov edx, [source+4] ; read high 32 bits add [destination], eax ; add low 32 bits adc [destination+4], edx ; add high 32 bits, plus carry Syntax 2 : sbb src, dest #GAS Syntax sbb dest, src #Intel syntax Subtract with borrow. Subtracts src + carry flag from dest, storing result in dest. Usually follows a normal sub instruction to deal with values twice as large as the size of the register.

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