Saturday, 21 January 2017

Give one word for

A collection of flowers - Bouquet (गुलदस्ता)

Government by the officials - Bureaucracy (नौकरशाही)

A person, nation that is involved in war - Belligerent (युद्धरत)

An annual calendar with positions of stars - Almanac (पंचांग)

The practice of having two wives or husbands at a time - Bigamy (द्विविवाह का प्रथा)

A collection of poems - Anthology (संकलन/ पद्य संग्रह)

A statement which is accepted as true without proof - Axiom (स्वयं सिद्ध)

An event which happens once in two years - Biennial (द्विवाषिक)

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