Friday 4 November 2016

PM Modi inaugurated Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster

PM Modi inaugurated Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 3 November 2016 inaugurated the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) in New Delhi. Aim of the 3-day conference is to find ways for better management of disaster risk. The conference will come out with a declaration consolidating the political commitment of governments towards preventing and reducing risk as well as strengthening resilience by accelerating implementation. Inaugurating the Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction Modi  outlined a ten-point agenda for renewing efforts towards disaster risk reduction. The 10-point agenda includes •    All development sectors must imbibe the principles of disaster risk management •    Network of universities should be developed to work on disaster issues. •    He emphasised on working towards risk coverage for all, which starts from poor households to small and medium enterprises, as well as multi-national corporations to nation states. •    He asked to encourage involvement and leadership of women as they are the biggest sufferers of any disaster. •    He called for global investment in risk mapping. •    Leveraging on technology to enhance the efficiency of the disaster risk management efforts •    Utilise the opportunities provided by social media and mobile technologies. •    He also called for building on local capacity and initiative •    Opportunity to learn from a disaster must not be wasted. •    Bring about greater cohesion in international response to disasters. Besides, he also asked all countries to embrace the spirit of Sendai Framework which calls for an all-of-society approach to disaster risk management.

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