Friday, 4 November 2016

Mariano Rajoy re-elected as Prime Minister of Spain

Mariano Rajoy re-elected as Prime Minister of Spain .Mariano Rajoy on 29 October 2016 was re-elected as the Prime Minister of Spain after winning a parliamentary vote. 170 lawmakers voted for him, 111 against and 68 abstained. With this, Spain has its first fully functioning government since December 2015, when a general election left no party with a majority. About Mariano Rajoy • Mariano Rajoy became leader of the People's Party in 2004. • He was the Leader of the Opposition between 2004 and 2011 under Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's government. • He became the Prime Minister in 2011 following the People's Party landslide victory in the general election of 2011. • His party lost the majority in the 2015 general election. However, the election ended in deadlock. Thereafter, a second election in 2016 enabled him to be re-elected prime minister as head of a minority government.

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