Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Union Government launches Mission Fingerling

Union Government launches Mission Fingerling to achieve Blue Revolution The Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer's Welfare on 11 March 2017 launched Mission Fingerling, a programme aimed at achieving the Blue Revolution by enabling holistic development and management of fisheries. The main motive behind this programme is to enhance the fisheries production from 10.79 mmt (2014-15) to 15 mmt by 2020-21. Key Highlights
• In order to recognize the potential and possibilities in the fisheries sector, the Union Government envisaged a program named Blue Revolution.
• The Blue Revolution focuses on creating an enabling environment for an integrated and holistic development and management of fisheries for the socio economic development of fish farmers.
• This program with a total expenditure of around Rs 52000 lakh will facilitate the establishment of hatcheries and Fingerling rearing pond to ensure the fish production of 426 crores fish fingerling, 25.50 crores Post Larvae of shrimp and crab in the country.
• This will converge in the production of 20 lakh tonnes of fish annually and will benefit about 4 million families.
• It lays greater emphasis on infrastructure with an equally strong focus on management and conservation of the resources through technology transfer.
• Productivity enhancement will also be targeted through integration of various production oriented activities such as production of quality fish seeds, cost effective feed and adoption of technology etc. Background
• Fish Fingerling production is the single most important critical input visualised to achieve fish production targets under the Blue Revolution.
• Use of high yielding verities of brooders is another significant aspect to be addressed on priority. • The Union Agricultural Ministry identified 20 States based on their potential and other relevant factors to strengthen the Fish Seed infrastructure in the country.
• The implementation of this programme will supplement the requirement of stocking material up to a large extent to achieve the enhanced fish production.

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