Tuesday 7 March 2017

Kerala State Budget 2017-18

Kerala State Budget 2017-18 presented Kerala State Finance Minister Dr TM Thomas Issac on 3 March 2017 presented the State annual budget for 2017-18 in the legislative assembly. The size of the budget is pegged at Rs 1,33,207.95 crore, which is an increase of around 15 per cent over the revised estimates for the FY 2016-17.
Highlights of Kerala State Budget 2017-18
• Rs 127 crore allocated for the Suchithwa Mission. The main element of this sanitation campaign is to develop  compost pits and  manure pits in rural areas. • Rs 100 crore was sanctioned to those local self government institutions that have submitted project proposals for establishing modern electrical crematoriums.
• An amount of Rs 10 crore was earmarked for mechanizing the cleaning of manholes and septic tanks.
• An amount of Rs 150 crore will be invested by Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) for establishing 14 septage units, one in each district.
• Rs 102 crore allocated for soil-water conservation activities and Rs 208 crore for minor irrigation. These will be integrated on a regional basis for implementation. Haryana State Budget 2017-18 presented
• A plan allocation of Rs 974 crore has been set apart for rural development and Rs 75 crore for urban development.
• Rs 10 allocated to provide compensation to the endosulfan victims as laid down in the court's judgement.
• An amount of Rs 40 crore was set apart for the development of agricultural markets. This can be used for the development of infrastructure and intervention capacity of Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam (VFPCK).
• Rs 188 crore and Rs 366 crore allocated for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes respectively. This allocation is higher than that of any other State in India.
• An amount of Rs 130 crore, including central share, was earmarked for the welfare of backward castes.  Out of this allocation, Rs 14 crore is for Backward Caste Development Corporation and Rs 7 crore is  for Converted Christians Development Corporation.

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