Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Sanjay Menon appointed Managing Director of Sapient India

Sanjay Menon appointed Managing Director of Sapient India Sapient on 28 February 2017 appointed Sanjay Menon as the Managing Director (MD) of its India operations. Menon will take over the new role from Rajdeep Endow. However, Menon will continue to serve as Global Head of Service Lines for SapientRazorfish. Menon will drive the strategy, capability development and growth of Sapient's India presence. He will also maintain its status as hub of the company's globally distributed delivery network. Menon has successfully served in various business and delivery roles including running key account P&Ls, managing global delivery for some of the business units as well as growing digital marketing services capability from India. About Sapient • Sapient is a marketing and consulting company. • It provides business, marketing and technology services to clients. • It operates three divisions: SapientNitro, Sapient Global Markets and Sapient Government Services. • The company was founded on 6 November 1990 by Jerry Greenberg and Stuart Moore. • On 5 February 2015, the company became a fully owned division of French advertising giant Publicis, in a deal valued at USD 3.7 billion. • On 17 November 2016, SapientNitro was merged with sister agency Razorfish to form SapientRazorfish. • The company’s culture has been profiled by case studies within the Harvard and Yale Business Schools as an example of leadership and organizational behavior

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