Friday, 14 October 2016

Current Affairs One liner of the Day

Current Affairs One liner of the Day for wound healing The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) developed a high-tech electroactive bandage. The bandage creates an electric charge to help promote the healing process of wounds. Electroactive material is so sensitive that a push or even a blow on it can create an electric charge. Key features of the electroactive bandages • The fibres of the guaze are made of electroactive material Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF). • The bandage is stimulated by the heat of the body and the pressure of cell growth. Therefore, no external power source is required in order for the bandage to promote wound healing. • The device uses electrical activity to facilitate the wound healing process while protecting the wound. • The bandage also minimises infection and related complications such as illness or amputation. • The bandage could be used by military personnel wounded in the field, patients who have undergone surgery or who have suffered a serious wound and astronauts in space.

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