Saturday, 22 October 2016

Current Affairs One liner of the Day: 21 October 2016

Current Affairs One liner of the Day: 21 October 2016 The one liner of the day covers important current affairs of the day like FIFA ranking, country to posthumously pardon thousands of gay and bisexual men and book The Sleepwalker's Dream among others. •    India’s rank in the FIFA ranking that was released on 20 October 2016 is - 137 •    Country that will posthumously pardon thousands of gay and bisexual men is - The United Kingdom •    An online tool that was developed by scientists that can predict whether citizens will vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in the upcoming US Presidential elections is - 'Tweetcast' •    The Police Commemoration Day is observed on - 21 October •    Vice Admiral S V Bhokare was recently appointed as the Commandant of the -Indian Naval Academy at Ezhimala in Kerala •    The secretary-general of Japan Gymnastics Association elected as the President of the International Gymnastics Federation is - Morinari Watanabe •    The city that recently bestowed honorary citizenship on Dalai Lama is - Milan •    The well-known Gandhian activist, who passed away recently, is - Mewa Ramgobin •    The author of the book titled The Adivasi Will Not Dance is - Hansda Sowendra Shekhar •    Satyadev Katare recently passed away. He was - Leader of the Opposition in the Madhya Pradesh Assembly •    He is the authored the book Andhere Se Ujale Ki Aur that - Arun Jaitley •    The country that along with the United States imposed sanctions on alleged Hezbollah members and financial backers is – Saudi Arabia •    Author of the book, The Sleepwalker's Dream is - Dhrubajyoti Borah, the President of Asam Sahitya Sabha •    The State Bank of India (SBI) on 20 October 2016 declared Silchar as its 5th zone in North-East India to cater to the banking needs of the people of - Mizoram, Tripura and Manipur along with the Barak Valley •    The first ever global conference to strengthen Arbitration and Enforcement in India began in - New Delhi •    Typhoon that killed at least four people in Philippines after lashing the country is - Super Typhoon Haima

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