Saturday, 1 October 2016

Union Government launched Progress Panchayat to reach out to minority community

Union Government launched Progress Panchayat to reach out to minority community Progress Panchayat: A programme to reach out the minority community and publicize the various welfare measures The Union Government on 29 September 2016 launched Progress Panchayat. This Panchayat is aimed at reach out the minority community and publicize the various welfare measures taken by the NDA government for their betterment.  The programme was kick started by Union Minister of State for Minority Affairs (independent charge) Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi from Mewat region of Haryana. The programme will be organized in 100 places across the country in the coming days where Union Ministers will interact with people about the several schemes. During the programme, the government will also seek feedback and suggestions from the people for better implementation of the welfare schemes.

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