Friday, 30 September 2016


Railways Ministry launches various Railways Services Railways Minister Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu on 29 September 2016 launched various Railways Services and dedicated them to the nation. These Railways services are: • Liberalised station to station special freight rates policy. • Policy providing sub quota of 33% to women within reserved categories for the allotment in catering units. • Policy giving preference to local domicile holders for commercial licenses at stations. • New system of allocating vacant berths after final charting to wayside stations. • Launch of the new tag Train at a Glance 2016 and new Time Table effective from 1 October 2016.  Liberalised station to station special freight rates policy • Existing as well as new traffic shall be eligible. • Concession shall be granted up to a maximum of 30 percent on the incremental traffic over and above the benchmark NTKM. • Concession shall be in the form of percentage discount over the Normal Tariff Rate (NTR). It should be ensured that the concessional freight should not be less than the NTR of Class 100. • Concession shall be admissible to Block rake, two/multi point rake, Mini Rake etc. • Concession may be granted for retention of traffic also up to maximum of 15 percent. • STS scheme will be applicable for all terminals namely goods sheds, sidings, ports, CRTs, PFTOs etc. • Commodities excluded from STS are - All commodities with classification below Class-100,  All commodities under Main Commodity Head Coal & Coke, Iron ore, Military traffic, POL and RMC. Policy providing sub quota of 33% to women for the allotment in catering units • A Sub Quota of 33 percent for women in allotment of the reserved catering units was introduced in order to extend economic empowerment for women. • This will ensure allotment of minimum 8 percent stalls to women at A1, A, B & C category station and minimum 17 percent allotment at D, E and F category station. • There are approximately 8000 Minor Catering Units over Indian Railways. • Under this provision, Railways shall ensure that women participation does not fall below a specific level. Policy giving preference to local domicile holders for commercial licenses at stations • In compliance of Budget Announcement 2016-17, a process of giving weightage to district Domicile Holders for commercial licenses at stations is being proliferated at all stations over Indian Railways. • It would help to build local ownership and rural empowerment along with socio-economic development. • The weightage to district domicile holders is being proliferated for allotment of Catering Units at all categories of stations. • It will ensure protection of livelihood of the small vendors. • The allotment of Minor Units over Indian Railways will ensure local ownership and will also promote regional / local cuisine, which is always a preferred choice. Transfer of vacant berths for optimal utilisation of berths • This facility of transfer of berths remaining vacant after second charting at the train originating station to the next and subsequent stations will clear the way for the waitlisted passengers at such stations. • The PRS system will automatically allot vacant berths available at the originating stations after preparation of second chart to the subsequent stations where waitlisted passengers are available. • The passenger will get SMS on his registered mobile indicating the coach and berth number allotted. • This will help passengers boarding at road side stations to get confirmed berths. • The TTEs will be able to allot vacant berths on board after departure of the train only upto the next station where quota is available for the train. • At present about 3 lakh berths per year go unutilised while there may be demand at intermediate stations.

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