Thursday, 9 March 2017

Indo-Nepal joint military exercise Surya Kiran

Indo-Nepal joint military exercise Surya Kiran XI commences The Indo-Nepal Joint Military Exercise Surya Kiran XI commenced on 7 March 2017 at Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand. During the 14-day long exercise, the Nepal Army is being represented by the officers and troops of the elite Durga Baksh Battalion. The Indian Army is represented by the Ekta Shakti Battalion of the Punjab Regiment. Surya Kiran XI is the eleventh such battalion level exercise between the two nations. It is aimed at training of troops in counter insurgency operations in mountainous terrain. The exercise formally incorporates issues related to Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Management (HADR). It will also help enhance defence co-operation and military relations between the two India and Nepal. The Surya Kiran series of exercises are conducted annually, alternatively in Nepal and India. Notably in the series of military training exercises undertaken by India with various countries, Surya Kiran series with Nepal is the largest in terms of troop’s participation.

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