Wednesday 8 February 2017

Intel X86 microprocessor described

8086/8087 (1978) The 8086 was the original x86 microprocessor, with the 8087 as its floating-point coprocessor. The 8086 was Intel's first 16-bit microprocessor with a 20-bit address bus, thus enabling to address up to 1 Megabytes, although there was a limit of 640 Kilobytes of RAM. This limitation is still present in modern CPUs, since they all support the backward-compatible "Real Mode" and boot into it. 8088 (1979) After the development of the 8086, Intel also created the lower-cost 8088. The 8088 was similar to the 8086, but with an 8-bit data bus instead of a 16-bit bus. The address bus was left untouched. 80186/80187 (1982) The 186 was the second Intel chip in the family; the 80187 was its floating point coprocessor. Except for the addition of some new instructions, optimization of some old ones, and an increase in the clock speed, this processor was identical to the 8086. 80286/80287 (1982) The 286 was the third model in the family; the 80287 was its floating point coprocessor. The 286 introduced the “Protected Mode” mode of operation, as opposed to the “Real Mode” that the earlier models used. All subsequent x86 chips can also be made to run in real mode or in protected mode. Switching back from protected mode to real mode was initially not supported, but found to be possible (although relatively slow) by resetting the CPU, then continuing in real mode. 80386 (1985) The 386 was the fourth model in the family. It was the first Intel microprocessor with a 32-bit word. The 386DX model was the original 386 chip, and the 386SX model was an economy model that used the same instruction set, but which only had a 16-bit data bus. Both featured a 32-bits address bus, thus getting rid of the segmented addressing methods used in the previous models and enabling a "flat" memory model, where one register can hold an entire address, instead of relying on two 16-bit registers to create a 20-bit/24-bit address. The flat memory layout was only supported in protected mode. 80486 (1989) The 486 was the fifth model in the family. It had an integrated floating point unit for the first time in x86 history. Early model 80486 DX chips were found to have defective FPUs. They were physically modified to disconnect the FPU portion of the chip and sold as the 486SX (486-SX15, 486-SX20, and 486-SX25). A 487 "math coprocessor" was available to 486SX users and was essentially a 486DX with a working FPU and an extra pin added. Pentium (1993) Intel called it the “Pentium” because they couldn't trademark the code number “80586”. The original Pentium was a faster chip than the 486 with a few other enhancements; later models also integrated the MMX instruction set. Pentium Pro (1995) The Pentium Pro was the sixth-generation architecture microprocessor, originally intended to replace the original Pentium in a full range of applications, but later reduced to a more narrow role as a server and high-end desktop chip. Pentium II (1997) The Pentium II was based on a modified version of the P6 core first used for the Pentium Pro, but with improved 16-bit performance and the addition of the MMX SIMD instruction set, which had already been introduced on the Pentium MMX. Pentium III (1999) Initial versions of the Pentium III were very similar to the earlier Pentium II, the most notable difference being the addition of SSE instructions. Pentium 4 (2000) The Pentium 4 had a new 7th generation "NetBurst" architecture. It is currently the fastest x86 chip on the market with respect to clock speed, capable of up to 3.8 GHz. Pentium 4 chips also introduced the notions “Hyper-Threading”, and “Multi-Core” chips. Core (2006) The architecture of the Core processors was actually an even more advanced version of the 6th generation architecture dating back to the 1995 Pentium Pro. The limitations of the NetBurst architecture, especially in mobile applications, were too great to justify creation of more NetBurst processors. The Core processors were designed to operate more efficiently with a lower clock speed. All Core branded processors had two processing cores; the Core Solos had one core disabled, while the Core Duos used both processors. Core 2 (2006) An upgraded, 64-bit version of the Core architecture. All desktop versions are multi-core. i Series (2008) The successor to Core 2 processors featuring Hyper-Threading. Celeron (first model 1998) The Celeron chip is actually a large number of different chip designs, depending on price. Celeron chips are the economy line of chips, and are frequently cheaper than the Pentium chips—even if the Celeron model in question is based off a Pentium architecture. Xeon (first model 1998) The Xeon processors are modern Intel processors made for servers, which have a much larger cache (measured in megabytes in comparison to other chips' kilobyte-sized cache) than the Pentium microprocessors.

X86 family in microprocessor

The term "x86" can refer both to an instruction set architecture and to microprocessors which implement it. The name x86 is derived from the fact that many of Intel's early processors had names ending in "86". The x86 instruction set architecture originated at Intel and has evolved over time by the addition of new instructions as well as the expansion to 64-bits. As of 2009, x86 primarily refers to IA-32 (Intel Architecture, 32-bit) and/or x86-64, the extension to 64-bit computing. Versions of the x86 instruction set architecture have been implemented by Intel, AMD and several other vendors, with each vendor having its own family of x86 processors.

Why learn assembly in a computer programming

Assembly is among some of the oldest tools in a computer-programmer's toolbox. Entire software projects can be written without ever looking at a single line of assembly code. So the question arises : why learn assembly? Assembly language is one of the closest forms of communication that humans can engage in with a computer. With assembly, the programmer can precisely track the flow of data and execution in a program in a mostly human-readable form. Once a program has been compiled, it is difficult (and at times, nearly impossible) to reverse-engineer the code into its original form. As a result, if you wish to examine a program that is already compiled but would rather not stare at hexadecimal or binary, you will need to examine it in assembly language.Since debuggers will frequently only show program code in assembly language. Code written in assembly has less overhead than code written in high-level languages, so assembly code frequently will run much faster than equivalent programs written in other languages. Code that is written in a high-level language can be compiled into assembly and "hand optimized" to squeeze every last bit of speed out of it. Hardware manufacturers such as Intel and AMD add new features and new instructions to their processors, often times the only way to access those features is to use assembly routines. That is, at least until the major compiler vendors add support for those features.

Saturday 21 January 2017

Foreign phrases commonly used in English

ipso facto: by that very fact (इसी बात से/ स्वतः)

The enemy of one's enemy may be ipso facto a friend. (एक दुश्मन का दुश्मन स्वतः ही दोस्त हो सकता है।)

laissez-faire: non-interference in economic matters (अहस्तक्षेप नीति/ आर्थिक मामलों में बीच में न आने की नीति)

The reason the government has adopted such a laissez-faire attitude toward drug producers is an economic one. (सरकार की दवा उत्पादकों की ओर इस तरह के अहस्तक्षेप नीति अपनाने का कारण आर्थिक है।)

lapis lazuli: a valuable bright blue stone (एक मूल्यवान चमकदार नीला पत्थर)

The ring, enriched with lapis lazuli, I wore it in my finger. (अंगूठी, मूल्यवान चमकदार नीले पत्थर से अलंकृत, मैंने अपनी उंगली में पहनी।)

lingua franca: a language used by people whose native languages are different (सामान्य भाषा (जो उन सभी लोगों द्वारा बोली जाए जिनकी मातृ भाषा अलग हो))

Long gone seamen and traders made Italian its lingua franca. (लंबे समय से चले नाविक और व्यापारियों ने इतालवी को इसकी सामान्य भाषा बनाया है।)

locus standi: the right to appear before a court (अधिस्थिति/ अदालत के समक्ष पेश होने का अधिकार)

A foreign company which has not been recognized by the Indian government has no locus standi in the Indian courts.

एक विदेशी कंपनी जिसे भारत सरकार द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त नहीं है, भारतीय अदालतों के समक्ष पेश होने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है।)

To say right in English-----2

First Come First Serve

अकसर हम First Come First Serve बोलते हैं जिसका अर्थ होता है "जो पहले आया है वो उन लोगों को सर्व करेगा जो बाद में आए हैं।" यह बोलना गलत है क्योंकि हमारा उद्देश्य यह नहीं होता है। हमें बोलना होता है कि "जो पहले आया है उसको पहले सर्व किया जाएगा।" इसका सही अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद है -First Come First Served. सिर्फ एक letter (d - Serve - Served) को हटाने पर पूरे शब्‍द और वाक्‍य का मतलब ही बदल जाता है।

Pass Out

बोलचाल की भाषा में जिस कॉलेज या स्‍कूल से हमने पढ़ाई की होती है हम खुद को वहां का Pass Out student ङोलते हैं। असल में Pass Out का मतलब होता है to become unconscious for a short time (कुछ समय के लिए बेहोश हो जाना) जो कि एक verb है। जब हम किसी educational institute से पढ़ाई पूरी करते हैं तो हमेंgraduated शब्द का प्रयॊग करना चाहिए। जैसे I have graduated from Delhi University. परन्तु आज के समय में हम - I have passed out from Delhi University. बोलते हैं।

Let’s discuss about politics.

Discuss के बाद about लगाना गलत है। Discuss About कोई phrase नहीं है। Discuss का अर्थ ही talk about (बात/ विचार करना) होता है। सही वाक्य होगा -Let’s discuss politics.

Everybody are happy.

शब्द जैसे everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody एकवचन (singular) होते हैं, plural (बहुवचन) नहीं। Everybody वैसे बहुत से लोगों के बारे में बताता है परन्तु हमेशा इसके साथ singular verb का ही प्रयॊग होता है। सही वाक्य होगा -Everybody is happy.

Do you want that I make breakfast?

“want" के बाद "that" का प्रयॊग साधारणतयः नहीं किया जाता। इसलिए सही वाक्य होगा - Do you want me to make breakfast?

To say right in English everyday

Kindly Revert

अक्सर Kindly Revert को हम Reply (जवाब) पाने के अर्थ में बोलते हैं, जो कि गलत है। Revert का मतलब होता है: Go back to a previous state (पूर्वस्थिति में लौटना) इसलिए Reply के लिए Kindly Revert का इस्तेमाल करना गलत है।

I’m thinking to buy a new car.

"Think" के बाद “To + infinitive” का प्रयॊग नहीं होता है। अतः सही वाक्य होगा - “I’m thinking of buying a new car” या “I’m thinking about buying a new car.” यहाँ of और about के बाद verb की ing form का प्रयॊग होता है।

They enjoyed the football game despite of the rain.

“Despite” और “in spite of” का अर्थ लगभग सामान होता है। “despite” के बाद कभी भी “of” का प्रयॊग नहीं करते। सही वाक्य होगा -They enjoyed the football game despite the rain. इसी वाक्य को  "in spite of" का प्रयॊग कर के भी कहा जा सकता है - They enjoyed the football game in spite of the rain.

These pants are more cheaper than the other ones.

Cheaper स्वयं comparative form है। इसके साथ more का प्रयॊग नहीं होगा। सही वाक्य है -  These pants are cheaper than the other ones.

Quote of the week

Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.

शिक्षा सबसे अच्छी मित्र है। एक शिक्षित व्यक्ति हर जगह सम्मान पता है। शिक्षा सौंदर्य और यौवन को परास्त कर देती है।

Chanakya - चाणक्य

Uncountable nouns --- partitives

delight → a cry of delight (ख़ुशी से रोना) /a gasp of delight (ख़ुशी से हांफना) /a shriek of delight (ख़ुशी से चीखना)

derision → a hoot of derision (उपहास का शोर)

dirt → a speck of dirt (गंदगी का एक कण)

disapproval → a shout of disapproval (अस्वीकृति के शोर)

dizziness → a rush of dizziness (तेज़ी से चक्कर आना)

doubt → a hint of doubt (शक का संकेत)

dust → a cloud of dust (धूल का बादल)/ a puff of dust (धूल का झोंका) / a speck of dust (धूल का कण)

earth → a clod of earth (धरती का पिंड)

Different between dual & duel


adjective - इसका अर्थ "दोनों/ दुहरा" (having two parts)

My friend has a dual citizenship. (मेरे दोस्त के पास दोहरी नागरिकता है।)

He is difficult to understand due to his dual personality. (उसके दोहरे व्यक्तित्व के कारण उसे समझना मुश्किल है।)

Duel -

as a noun - विवाद/ द्वंद्वयुद्ध (a conflict between two entities)

His son had been killed in a duel.  (उसके पुत्र को एक विवाद में मार डाला गया था।)

He has to respect the rules of the duel. (उसे द्वंद्वयुद्ध के नियमों का सम्मान करना चाहिए।)

as a verb -  द्वंद युद्ध करना

The two runners dueled for the lead. (दो धावकों ने नेतृत्व के लिए द्वंद्व युद्ध किया।)

In earlier times, opponents duelled until one of them died. (पहले के समय में, विरोधी जब तक द्वंद्व युद्ध करते थे जब तक एक की मृत्यु नहीं हो जाती।)

Proverb of the week

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. (नीम हकीम खतरे ज़ान/ हल्दी की गांठ मिली, चूहा पंसारी बन बैठा)

ज्ञान हमेशा ही लाभकारी होता है बशर्ते यह पूरी तरह से और अच्छी तरह से लिया गया हो। आधा अधूरा ज्ञान जितना लाभप्रद नहीं होगा उससे आधी नुकसान पहुँचा सकता है। अंग्रेज़ी में एक कहावत है An empty vessel sounds much (खाली बर्तन ज्यादा आवाज़ करता है). उसी प्रकार जिनके पास काम ज्ञान होता है वे अपने ज्ञान का अधिक दिखावा करते हैं जो कि कई बार उन्हें ही नहीं बल्कि उनके सात के लोगों को भी मुश्किल में डालता है।

जैसे - किसी ने कार चलाना तो सीखा पर अच्छी तरह से नहीं और कार ले कर सड़क पर चलाने लगा। विकट परिस्थिति होने पर उसे emergency brake लगाने नहीं आया और इस कारण एक बड़ी दुर्घटना हो गयी। यह ना सिर्फ चालक के लिए बल्कि अन्य लोगों के लिए भी खतरनाक है।

No knowledge, whether great or small, is bad. थोड़ा ज्ञान अज्ञानता से अच्छा है। कम ज्ञान नहीं अपितु थोड़ा ज्ञान पाने के बाद अभिमान और अहंकार का आना घातक है। अगर व्यक्ति सादगी से मान लेता है कि उसे किसी विषय की अधिक जानकारी नहीं है तो वह उसे जानने का इक्छुक होता है परन्तु अपने आप को समाज में ऊंचा दिखाने के लिए गलत जानकारी देना गलत है।

इसलिये कहा गया है - superficial knowledge is worse than ignorance (सतही ज्ञान अज्ञान से भी बदतर है।)

"Exploring the Intersections: Insights into Exam Prep, Science, Business,Tech,Web-dev,Admin&Health

काबिज नजूल : आबादी भूमि पर बने मकान को विक्रय करते समय बिक्रीनामा तैयार करने की प्रक्रिया-Occupied Nazul or populated land

काबिज नजूल अथवा आबादी भूमि पर बने मकान को विक्रय करते समय बिक्रीनामा तैयार करने की प्रक्रिया:   1. दस्तावेज इकट्ठा करना: विक्रेता और खरीदार ...