Wednesday, 24 January 2018

करेंट अफेयर्स एक पंक्ति में: आईएएस, पीसीएस, एसएससी, बैंक, एमबीए और अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओ में सफलता के लिए

करेंट अफेयर्स एक पंक्ति में: 23 जनवरी 2018 पाठकों की सुविधा हेतु प्रतिदिन के करेंट अफेयर्स से सम्बंधित जानकारी को संक्षिप्त रूप में करेंट अफेयर्स सारांश शीर्षक से नए रूप में प्रस्तुत कर रहा है. इसमें दी गयी जानकारी आईएएस, पीसीएस, एसएससी, बैंक, एमबीए और अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में सफलता के लिए अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है.
•    सैंक्टम वेल्थ मैनेजमेंट की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, जिस वर्ष में भारत सबसे तेजी से उभरती बड़ी अर्थव्यवस्था बन जाएगा- 2018
•    हाल ही में जिस देश के लंबी दूरी के धावक सोलोमन डेकसिसा ने मुंबई मैराथन में पुरुष वर्ग का खिताब अपने नाम किया है- इथियोपिया
•    जिस राज्य सरकार ने कागज के स्थान पर ऑनलाइन लॉटरी लाने का प्रस्ताव तैयार किया है- महाराष्ट्र
•    जिस देश के वैज्ञानिकों ने हाल ही में बहुत पतले इलेक्ट्रॉनिक स्किन टैटू विकसित किये हैं- जर्मनी •    वर्ष 2018 के फिल्मफेयर पुरस्कारों में जिसे सर्वश्रेष्ठ अभिनेता का पुरस्कार मिला- इरफ़ान खान
•    जिसे हाल ही में फिल्मफेयर अवार्ड्स में बेस्ट स्क्रीनप्ले का अवार्ड दिया गया- शुभाशीष भुटियानी (मुक्ति भवन)
•    ऑक्सफैम द्वारा किए गए सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार भारत के जितने प्रतिशत लोगों के पास देश की 73% संपत्ति मौजूद है- 1%
•    जिसे हाल ही में विक्रम साराभाई अंतरिक्ष केंद्र (वीएसएससी) का निदेशक नियुक्त किया गया- एस सोमनाथ
•    भारत द्वारा रूस के साथ हाल ही में जिस सुपरसोनिक मिसाइल खरीद पर बातचीत आरंभ की गयी- एस-400 ट्रंफ
•    हाल ही में जिस राज्य में हाई रिस्क प्रेग्नेंसी पोर्टल शुरू किया गया है- हरियाणा
•    गुजरात की पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री आनंदीबेन पटेल ने हाल ही में जिस राज्य के राज्यपाल के रूप में शपथ ली- मध्य प्रदेश
•    जिस अभिनेता को दावोस (स्विट्ज़रलैंड) में विश्व आर्थिक मंच (डब्ल्यूईएफ) सम्मेलन में 24वें क्रिस्टल अवॉर्ड से सम्मानित किया गया- शाहरुख खान

Sunday, 21 January 2018


साप्ताहिक करेंट अफेयर्स क्विज़:पाठकों के लिए साप्ताहिक करेंट अफेयर्स प्रश्न उपलब्ध करा रहा है. इसमें पूरे सप्ताह के करेंट अफेयर्स से संबंधित परीक्षोपयोगी प्रश्नों का संकलन है 

 1. विश्व आर्थिक मंच द्वारा जारी वैश्विक विनिर्माण सूचकांक में भारत को कौन सा स्थान प्राप्त हुआ है? a.    10वां b.    20वां c.    25वां d.    30वां

2.  हाल ही में राष्ट्रीय परिवार और स्वास्थ्य सर्वेक्षण में जारी आंकड़ों के अनुसार निम्नलिखित में से किस समुदाय को भारत का सबसे समृद्ध समुदाय बताया गया? a.    पारसी b.    जैन c.    ब्राह्मण d.    वैश्य
3. निम्नलिखित में से किस राज्य के मदरसों में अगले शैक्षणिक सत्र से संस्कृत पढ़ाई जाएगी? a.    उत्तर प्रदेश b.    उत्तराखंड c.    बिहार d.    मध्य प्रदेश
4. किस कमोडिटी के लिए भारत के पहले एग्री ऑप्शंस को लॉन्च किया गया? a.    ग्वार b.    जूट c.    नारियल d.    सूत
5. किस अभिनेता को हाल ही में जनकवि पी सावलराम पुरस्कार प्रदान किया गया? a. पवन सिंह b. मनोज दारा सिंह c. सुधीर दलवी d. इनमें से कोई नहीं 6. हाल ही में शुरू की गई प्रधानमंत्री की वेबसाइट “पीएमइंडिया” कितनी भाषाओँ में उपलब्ध है? a.    आठ b.    तेरह c.    आठारह d.    बाईस
7. बांग्लादेश, भारत और निम्न में से किस देश ने यात्री वाहनों की आवाजाही हेतु परिचालनगत प्रक्रियाओं पर सहमति जताई है? a.    चीन b.    पाकिस्तान c.    नेपाल d.    रूस
8. भारतीय मुक्केबाजों ने सर्बिया के सोंबोर में चल रहे सातवें नेशंस कप टूर्नामेंट में निम्नलिखित में से कितने स्वर्ण पदक जीते हैं? a. 11 b. 20 c. 25 d. 05
9. किस देश ने वायु प्रदूषण कम करने के लिए दुनिया का सबसे ऊंचा (100 मीटर) 'एयर प्यूरीफायर' बनाने का दावा किया है? a. नेपाल b. श्रीलंका c. चीन d. पाकिस्तान
10. केंद्र सरकार ने हाल ही में काले धन के खिलाफ अभियान के तहत नियमों के पालन में ढिलाई बरतने वाली कितने लाख कंपनियों का पंजीकरण रद्द करने का फैसला किया है? a. 5.20 लाख b. 4.20 लाख c. 0.20 लाख d. 1.20 लाख
11. उत्तर कोरिया और दक्षिण कोरिया किन खेलों के लिए एक झंडे के तले मार्च के लिए सहमत हो गये हैं? a.    शीतकालीन ओलंपिक b.    कॉमनवेल्थ गेम्स c.    एशियाई खेल d.    विश्व हॉकी चैंपियनशिप
12.  सुप्रीम कोर्ट के एक फैसले के अनुसार कौन सी फिल्म सभी राज्यों में 25 जनवरी को रिलीज होगी? a.    लिपस्टिक अंडर माय बुरखा b.    वॉटर c.    पद्मावत d.    कर्मप्रधान
13. पांच हज़ार किलोमीटर तक की मारक क्षमता वाली किस स्वदेशी मिसाइल का हाल ही में सफल परीक्षण हुआ? a.    अग्नि b.    पृथ्वी c.    आकाश d.    आवेग
14. हाल ही में किस राज्य को खुले में शौच की कुप्रथा से मुक्त राज्य घोषित किया गया है? a.    पश्चिम बंगाल b.    पंजाब c.    बिहार d.    अरुणाचल प्रदेश
15. हाल ही में अरब प्लेयर ऑफ़ ईयर पुरस्कार से किस खिलाडी को सम्मानित किया गया है? a.    सुलेमान अली b.    रहमान अल  मख्तूम c.    मोहम्मद सालेह d.    उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं

उत्तर: 1. d. 30वां 2. b. जैन 3. b. उत्तराखंड 4. a. ग्वार 5. c. सुधीर दलवी 6. b. तेरह 7. c. नेपाल 8 a. 11 9. c. चीन 10. d. 1.20 लाख 11. a. शीतकालीन ओलंपिक 12. c. पद्मावत 13 a. अग्नि 14. d. अरुणाचल प्रदेश 15. c. मोहम्मद सालेह

G.K for upsc /pcs/ssc/cds

भारत की राजनीतिक संरचना: राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का गठन भारत सरकार की कार्यकारिणी की सिफारिश के बाद किया गया था. इस लेख में UPSC/PCS/SSC/CDS तथा अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी कर रहे प्रतियोगियों की सहायता के लिए राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् पर आधारित 9 प्रश्नों का सेट दिया जा रहा है जिसमे प्रतियोगियों की सुविधा के लिए उत्तर और व्याख्या भी दी गयी है.
1. राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का गठन कब किया गया था? (a) 1951 (b) 1952 (c) 1948 (d) 1950 उत्तर b व्याख्या: राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का गठन अगस्त 1952 में किया गया था.
2. निम्न में से कौन सा कथन राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् के लिए सही है? (a) यह एक संवैधानिक निकाय है (b) यह एक सांविधिक निकाय है (c) इसका अध्यक्ष वित्त मंत्री होता है (d) सभी राज्यों के मुख्यमंत्री इसके सदस्य होते हैं
उत्तर d व्याख्या: सभी राज्यों के मुख्यमंत्री इसके सदस्य होते हैं. इसके अलावा सभी कैबिनेट मंत्री, सभी केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों के मुख्यमंत्री/ प्रशासक और योजना आयोग के सदस्य इसके सदस्य होते हैं.
3. राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का पदेन अध्यक्ष कौन होता है? (a) राष्ट्रपति (b) प्रधानमंत्री (c) वित्त मंत्री (d) उप राष्ट्रपति उत्तर b व्याख्या: राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का पदेन अध्यक्ष प्रधानमंत्री होता है. 4. पंचवर्षीय योजना को अंतिम अनुमोदन कौन देता है? (a) प्रधानमंत्री (b) वित्त मंत्री (c) योजना आयोग (d) राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद्
उत्तर d व्याख्या: किसी भी पंचवर्षीय योजना का प्रारूप योजना आयोग (अब नीति आयोग) द्वारा बनाया जाता है जबकि उसको अंतिम रूप राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् की सिफारिश के आधार पर दिया जाता है.
5. निम्न में से कौन सा राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का उद्येश्य नही है? (a) किसी योजना के क्रियान्वयन में राज्यों से सहयोग प्राप्त करना (b) किसी योजना के सफल होने के लिए संसाधनों का इंतजाम करना (c) देश में संतुलित विकास को बढ़ावा देना (d) देश में कानून एवं व्यवस्था को बनाये रखना
उत्तर d व्याख्या: प्रदेशों में कानून एवं व्यवस्था को बनाये रखना, राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् के उद्येश्यों में नही आता है, क्योंकि कानून एवं व्यवस्था को बनाये रखना राज्य की जिम्मेदारी है.
6. निम्न में से कौन सा कार्य राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का है? (a) राष्ट्रीय योजना बनाने के लिए दिशा निर्देश जारी करना (b) राष्ट्रीय योजना के क्रियान्वयन में संसाधनों का अनुमान लगाना और सुझाव देना (c) राष्ट्रीय विकास को प्रभावित करने वाली आर्थिक एवं सामाजिक नीतियों पर विचार करना (d) उपर्युक्त सभी उत्तर d व्याख्या: विकल्प में दिए सभी कार्य राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् द्वारा किये जाते हैं.
7. राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का पहला अध्यक्ष कौन था? (a) जवाहर लाल नेहरु (b) बल्लभ भाई पटेल (c) डॉक्टर राजेंद्र प्रसाद (d) उपर्युक्त में से कोई नही
उत्तर a व्याख्या: चूंकि राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का पदेन अध्यक्ष देश का प्रधानमंत्री होता है और देश के पहले प्रधानमंत्री जवाहर लाल नेहरु थे. अतः राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् के पहले अध्यक्ष जवाहर लाल नेहरु थे.
8. निम्न में से कौन राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का सस्द्य नही होता है? (a) राज्यों का राज्यपाल (b) राज्यों का मुख्यमंत्री (c) योजना आयोग के सदस्य (d) सभी कैबिनेट मंत्री
उत्तर a व्याख्या: राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् का सस्द्य राज्यों का राज्यपाल नही होता है.
9. राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् की बैठक एक वर्ष में कम से कम कितनी बार होनी चाहिए? (a) 1 बार (b) 2 बार (c) 3 बार (d) 5 बार  
उत्तर b व्याख्या: राष्ट्रीय विकास परिषद् की बैठक एक वर्ष में कम से कम 2 बार होनी चाहिए.

Friday, 19 January 2018

Competitive exam point of view such as uppsc;upsc

दुनिया की प्रमुख जलडमरूमध्यो (जलसंधियों) की सूची जलडमरूमध्य (जलसंधिय) एक संकीर्ण जलमार्ग है जो दो बड़े जल निकायों को जोड़ता हैl यह आमतौर पर एक ऐसे जलसमूह को संदर्भित करता है जो मुख्यतः दो भू-क्षेत्र के बीच स्थित होता है. इसका उपयोग एक विशेष आर्थिक क्षेत्र में स्थित देशों के बीच समुद्र के माध्यम से अंतरराष्ट्रीय परिवहन के लिए किया जाता हैl यहां, हम दुनिया की प्रमुख जलसंधियों की सूची दे रहे हैं जिससे पाठकों को यह समझने में मदद मिलेगी, कि कैसे ये जलसंधियां दुनिया को जोड़ती हैंl जलडमरूमध्य (strait) के वाणिज्यिक और सामरिक महत्व I. समुद्री व्यापार के लिए वाणिज्यिक नौ-परिवहण II. महत्वपूर्ण तेल उत्पादन क्षेत्र III. भू-राजनीति में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका दुनिया की प्रमुख जलडमरूमध्यो (जलसंधियों) की सूची
1. मलक्का जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: अंडमान सागर और दक्षिण चीन सागर स्थान: इंडोनेशिया- मलेशिया 
2. पाक जलडमरूमध्य (strait)        मध्य: पाक खाड़ी और बंगाल की खाड़ी स्थान: भारत-श्रीलंका
3. सुंडा जलडमरूमध्य (strait)        मध्य: जावा सागर और हिंद महासागर स्थान: इंडोनेशिया
4. युकेटन जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: मेक्सिको की खाड़ी और कैरेबियन सागर स्थान: मेक्सिको-क्यूबा
5. मेसिना जलडमरूमध्य (strait)    मध्य: भूमध्य सागर स्थान: इटली-सिसिली
6. ओटरंटो जलडमरूमध्य (strait)   मध्य: एड्रियाटिक सागर और आयनियन सागर स्थान: इटली-अल्बानिया
7. बाब अल-मन्देब जलडमरूमध्य (strait)  मध्य: लाल सागर और अदन की खाड़ी स्थान: यमन-जिबूती 8. कुक जलडमरूमध्य (strait)        मध्य: दक्षिण प्रशांत महासागर स्थान:  न्यूजीलैंड (उत्तर और दक्षिण द्वीप) विश्व के सबसे ऊँचे झरनों की सूची
9. मोजाम्बिक जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: हिंद महासागर स्थान: मोजाम्बिक -मालगासी
10. उत्तर चैनल मध्य: आयरिश सागर और अटलांटिक महासागर स्थान: आयरलैंड-इंग्लैंड
11. वृषभ जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: अराफुरा सागर और पापुआ की खाड़ी स्थान: पापुआ न्यू गिनी - ऑस्ट्रेलिया
12. बास जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: तस्मान सागर और दक्षिण सागर स्थान: ऑस्ट्रेलिया
13. बेरिंग जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: बेरिंग सागर और चुकसी सागर स्थान: अलास्का-रूस
14. बोन- फसियो जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: भूमध्य सागर स्थान: कोर्सिका - सर्दिनिया
15. बोस्फोरस जलडमरूमध्य (strait)         मध्य: काला सागर और मार्मारा सागर स्थान: तुर्की विश्व के प्रमुख नदियों की सूची
16. दर्देंलीज़ जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: मार्मारा सागर और ईजियन समुद्र स्थान: तुर्की
17. डेविस जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: बाफिन खाड़ी और अटलांटिक महासागर स्थान: ग्रीनलैंड-कनाडा
18. डेनमार्क जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: उत्तर अटलांटिक और आर्कटिक महासागर स्थान: ग्रीनलैंड-आइसलैंड
19. डोवर जलडमरूमध्य (strait)     मध्य: अंग्रेजी चैनल और उत्तरी सागर स्थान: इंग्लैंड-फ्रांस
20. फ्लोरिडा जलडमरूमध्य (strait)          मध्य: मैक्सिको और अटलांटिक महासागर की खाड़ी स्थान: संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका-क्यूबा
21. होर्मुज जलडमरूमध्य (strait)    मध्य: फारस और ओमान की खाड़ी की खाड़ी स्थान: ओमान-ईरान 22. हडसन जलडमरूमध्य (strait)   मध्य: हडसन और अटलांटिक महासागर की खाड़ी स्थान: कनाडा 23. जिब्राल्टर जलडमरूमध्य (strait)         मध्य: भूमध्य सागर और & अटलांटिक महासागर स्थान: स्पेन-मोरक्को
24. मैगलन जलडमरूमध्य (strait)  मध्य: प्रशांत और दक्षिण अटलांटिक महासागर स्थान: चिली दुनिया के सबसे बड़े झीलों की सूची
25. मकास्सर जलडमरूमध्य (strait)         मध्य: जावा सागर और सेलेबेज सागर स्थान: इंडोनेशिया
26. त्सुन्गारू जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: जापान सागर और प्रशांत महासागर स्थान: जापान (होक्काइदो-होन्शु द्वीप)
27. तटरत जलडमरूमध्य (strait)   मध्य: जापान सागर और ओखोटस्क सागर स्थान: रूस (पूर्वी रूस-सखालिन द्वीप)
28. फावेओक्स जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: दक्षिण प्रशांत महासागर स्थान: न्यूजीलैंड (दक्षिण आइलैंड-स्टीवर्ट द्वीप)
29. फॉर्मोसा जलडमरूमध्य (strait) मध्य: दक्षिण चीन सागर और पूर्वी चीन सागर स्थान: चीन-ताइवान

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Earth Hour observed on 25 March 2017

Earth Hour observed on 25 March 2017 ::The eleventh edition of the Earth Hour was observed globally, including India, on 25 March 2017 from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm local time. The focus of the global event was to engage people in critical climate conversations and solutions. Highlights of Earth Hour 2017
• From New York to New Zealand, Paris to Paraguay millions of citizens came together to celebrate the event.
• 187 countries and territories celebrated the Earth Hour 2017. And, more than 3,000 landmarks switched off their lights and millions of individuals, businesses and organizations across seven continents stepped forward to change climate change.
• More than 350 ambassdors and influencers joined the Earth Hour 2017.
• Around 18,000 people donated their facebook feed that has a potential reach of 12 million users. • To mark the occasion, iconic monuments, including India Gate, Rashtrapati Bhawan, Red Fort, Akshardham Temple, Qutab Minar, Safdarjung Tomb and Lotus Temple switched off their lights.  About Earth Hour
• It is a global environmental movement with a message to switch off non-essential lights for one hour. Every year, the event is observed on the last Saturday of March between 8:30 and 9:30 pm. • Globally, it is being organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in association with the government, non-governmental organizations and individuals.
• The Earth Hour 2017 was the eleventh edition of the global celebration that started off as a one city event in Sydney, Australia in 2007.
• In 11 years, it has grown to become the world's largest grassroots movement for the environment, inspiring individuals, communities, businesses and organizations in over 180 countries and territories to take tangible climate action. India won 73 medals in 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games About World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
• It is considered as one of the world’s largest and independent conservation organizations.
• The WWF has over 5 million supporters in over 100 countries.
• Its primary objective is to stop the degradation of the earth’s natural environment and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.
• It seeks to achieve this objective by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful.
• It was established on 29 April 1961 with the slogan - For a Living Planet.

Indian Navy to de-induct TU142M Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft

Indian Navy to de-induct TU142M Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft after 29 years Indian Navy on 26 March 2017 decided to de-induct TU142M Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft after 29 years of dedicated service to the nation. The aircraft will be formally de-inducted on 29 March 2017 by Admiral Sunil Lanba, Chief of the Naval Staff at a ceremony to be held at INS Rajali, informally known as Arakkonam Naval Air Station. Rajali is located near Arakkonam, Tamil Nadu. INS Tillanchang commissioned at Karwar Reports suggest that to commemorate the stellar service of the TU142M aircraft, a TU Static Display aircraft will be inaugurated on the occasion at INS Rajali. Besides, an Indian Navy statement says that the role of the TU142M will be taken by P-8I aircraft, which was inducted into the Indian Navy in recent past. Commander Yogender Mair, the last Commanding Officer of the squadron with the TU 142M aircraft, will hand over the charge to Commander V. Ranganathan, who will be the first Squadron Commanding Officer with the P-8l. An official release of the Defence Ministry said, “The aircraft has done the Indian Navy proud by participating in all major naval exercises and operations with distinction. The aircraft saw action during operation ‘Cactus’ in Maldives and participated in operational missions off Sri Lanka to provide airborne surveillance”. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited expected to deliver 123 Tejas aircrafts to IAF by 2024 The Ministry said, with its enhanced endurance, speed, long range weapons and sensors the aircraft transformed the aspects of Maritime Reconnaissance and airborne Anti-submarine warfare for the Indian Navy. About TU142M Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft
• The aircraft with its four powerful engines and swept wings is the fastest turboprop aircraft in the world.
• Reportedly it has been difficult to intercept by fighters.
• It was inducted into the Indian Navy from erstwhile USSR in 1988 at Dabolim Goa.
• Later in 1992, it shifted its base permanently to INS Rajali and became a formidable LRMR ASW aircraft. Arun Jailtley handed over DRDO developed products to Indian Navy

Sebastian Vettel beats Lewis Hamilton to win Australian Grand

Sebastian Vettel beats Lewis Hamilton to win Australian Grand Prix Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel on 26 March 2017 defeated Mercedes’ Lewis Hamilton to clinch the 2017 Australian Grand Prix. It was Vettel's first win since the Singapore Grand Prix in September 2015. About Sebastian Vettel
• Born on 3 July 1987, Sebastian Vettel is a German racing driver.
• At present, he is driving in Formula One for Scuderia Ferrari.
• He is a four-time Formula One World Champion. He won the championship in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 with Red Bull Racing.
• He has held numerous "youngest" Formula One records. A few of them are: the youngest driver to have taken part in an official practice session of a Grand Prix (until Max Verstappen at the 2014 Japanese Grand Prix), to score championship points (until Daniil Kvyat at the 2014 Australian Grand Prix), to lead a race (until Max Verstappen at the 2016 Spanish Grand Prix), and others.
• At present, he is in fourth place among all time race winners.  About Australian Grand Prix
• The Australian Grand Prix is a motor race held annually in Australia.
• The Grand Prix is the oldest surviving motor racing competition held in Australia. The race has been held 79 times since it was first run at Phillip Island in 1928. • At present, the race is held at the Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit at Albert Park in Melbourne.
• The Australian Grand Prix is the first round of the Championship, having been the first race of each year, excluding 2006 and 2010.
• Australian driver Lex Davison and German driver Michael Schumacher are the most successful drivers in this race.
• The winner of the 2016 Australian Grand Prix was Nico Rosberg.

India won 73 medals in 2017

India won 73 medals in 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games India’s special athletes won 73 medals in the 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games. The games were held between 18 March and 25 March 2017 in Austria. India’s performance in 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games
• India dominated in three team events - Floor Hockey (male), Unified Floorball and Traditional Floorball.
• Cumulatively, Indian athletes won 30 medals in these three games, which was also the highest tally in a single day. Along with this, the special women team also won 16 bronze medals.
• An important gold medal came in the Unified Floorball (Male) event, where India defeated Nigeria, while the Floor Hockey team crushed Lithuania 7-2.
• At the end of the tournament, India took its tally to 73 medals by winning 8-0 against Austria.
• India also won 10 medals in Alpine skiing, including 3 gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze medals. World Conference on Environment 2017 concluded
• The snowboarding team bagged 8 medals that included 4 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals.
• 5 more medals came in Snow Shoeing and 4 medals were won in Speed and figure skating.
• In the process, Himachal’s Megha became the first Indian to win a gold medal in the games. About 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games
• It included seven disciplines including Alpine Skiing, Snow Boarding, Snow Shoeing, Figure Skating, Speed Skating, Floor Hockey and Floor Ball (and Unified floor Ball).
• It witnessed 2,600 athletes from over 105 countries competing with each other.
• The games were held in four cities of Austria, namely, Graz, Schladming, Styria and Ramsau.
• While the opening ceremony was held at Planai Stadium in Schladming, the closing ceremony was held at Merkur Arena in Graz.
• Besides the competitions, the event included culture and art programs, health programs, symposia and congresses.

Can colour-blind people pursue MBBS:

Can colour-blind people pursue MBBS: SC to Medical Council of India The Supreme Court (SC) on 25 March 2017 directed the Medical Council of India (MCI) to form a committee of experts to examine the possibility of colour-blind people pursuing the MBBS course. A bench of Justices Dipak Misra and A M Khanwilkar also directed that the committee shall include experts from genetics, ophthalmology, psychiatry and medical education from AIIMS, New Delhi and PGIMER, Chandigarh. The committee is expected to submit its report within three months. The bench also suggested MCI to appoint KV Viswanathan along with M Shoeb Alam for the assistance. The committee will also concentrate on diagnostic test for progress and review of the disorder and what are the available prosthetics aids to assist medical practitioners. The committee shall also suggest the areas of practice that could be undertaken by colour-blind people without difficulty with these aids. The bench noted that there were no regulations framed by the MCI which stated that a candidate for the MBBS course should be able to identify the three primary colours. Background The court gave this direction while considering a plea by Pranay Kumar Podder and others, who were denied admission to the MBBS course at a Tripura college due to partial colour-blindness. These aspirants also approached the High Court of Tripura and Agartala. However, the high court refused to interfere in the matter. In their appeal, the appellants pointed out that there were no regulations framed by the Medical Council of India under the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, debarring them from admission.  These students were denied admission based on the recommendations of expert committee of Medical Council of India.

Current Affairs Quiz: 27 March 2017

It's help every aspirant of competitive exams to revise the day at an ease. These quizzes will help you in answering questions which can/may be asked in the next exam that will be faced by you. The day’s updated quizzes cover the topics like Hatsun is planning two Greenfield projects in India, Santosh Trophy and 2017 Best CEOs List of Barron's among others.

1. Who won the 2016-17 Santosh Trophy?
a) Goa
b) Services
c) West Bengal
d) Kerala

2. As per the notification of the Union Government, a senior official of the MoEF will permanently chair the Animal Welfare Board of India.  In this regard, consider the following statements.
I. In AWBI’s 55-year history, it was always chaired by somebody outside government, like veterinarians, animal welfare activists or retired judges.
II. The first chair of the Board was Rukmini Devi Arundale. Which is/are correct?
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II

3. Who of the following was recently appointed the Director of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences?
a) Randeep Guleria
b) M C Mishra
c) P K Dhondhiyal
d) None of the above

4. Which Indian got ranked in the 2017 Best CEOs List of Barron's?
a) Mukesh Ambani
b) Anil Ambani
c) Aditya Puri
d) Vishal Sikka

5. How much amount of loan was signed by the World Bank with Uttarakhand and Union Government to improve health services in the state?
a) USD 100 million
b) USD 150 million
c) USD 200 million
d) USD 250 million

6. Jagadisa Thyagarajan, famously known as Ashokamitran, who died recently, belonged to which field? a) Literature
b) Politics
c) Acting
d) Singing

7. Which Indian political leader has been named among the probable contenders for Times 100 most influential people in the world list 2017?
a) Narenda Modi
b) Arun Jaitley
c) Sushma Swaraj
d) Sonia Gandhi

8. India has become the third largest market in the world in terms of domestic passenger traffic in which segment of transport?
a) Railways
b) Aviation
c) Waterways
d) Roadways

9. A court in which nation has passed a ruling sentencing the country’s own President to death for ‘high treason’?
a) Sudan
b) Iran
c) Somalia
d) Yemen

10. India won this many number of medals in the 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games.
a) 70
b) 71
c) 72
d) 73

11. It is in this country scientists switched on the world's largest 'artificial sun' recently.
a) Germany
b) Poland
c) Canada
d) Russia

12. The 2-day long World Conference on Environment 2017 was held in
a) Hyderabad
b) New Delhi
c) Kolkata
d) Chandigarh

13. The Indian Navy is preparing for de-induction of a Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft after 29 years of dedicated service to the nation. Name it.
a) ShinMaywa US-2
b) TU142M
c) Ilyushin Il-38
d) Pipistrel Virus SW 80

14. She was chosen as the first female Chief Executive of the Hong Kong.
a) Starry Lee
b) Carrie Lam
c) Regina Ip
d) Anson Chan

15. Hatsun is planning to set up two Greenfield projects in
a) Coimbatore and Ongole
b) Ongole and Palakode
c) Hyderbad and Ongole
d) Coimbatore and Chennai ANSWER 1. (c) West Bengal
2. (c) Both I and II
3. (a) Randeep Guleria
4.(c) Aditya Puri
5. (a) USD 100 million
6. (a) Literature
7. (a) Narendra Modi
8. (b) Aviation
9. (d) Yemen
10. (d) 73
11. (a) Germany
12. (b) New Delhi
13. (b) TU142M
14. (b) Carrie Lam
15. (a) Coimbatore and Ongole

Current Affairs One liner of the day: 27 March 2017

The one liner of 23rd March covers important current happenings that are relevant to competitive exams. The day’s one liner’s cover important the happenings like plan to de-induct a Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft, 2017 Australian Grand Prix and World Conference on Environment 2017 among others.  
• The renowned pulmonologist appointed as the Director of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences is - Randeep Guleria
• The winner of the 2016-17 Santosh Trophy is - West Bengal
• The winner of the 2017 Australian Grand Prix is - Sebastian Vettel
• World Bank signed USD 100 million credit agreement to improve quality of health care services in all 13 districts of - Uttarakhand
• Jagadisa Thyagarajan, famously known as Ashokamitran, who died recently, was a - litterateur
• Indian who got ranked in the 2017 Best CEOs List of Barron's - Aditya Puri
• This Indian political leader has been named among the probable contenders for Times 100 most influential people in the world list 2017- Narendra Modi
• India has become the third largest in terms of domestic passenger traffic in - Aviation Market
• A court in this nation has passed a ruling sentencing the country’s own President to death for ‘high treason’ – Yemen
• The 2-day long World Conference on Environment 2017 was held in – New Delhi
• India won this many number of medals in the 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games – 72
• It is in this country scientists switched on the world's largest 'artificial sun' recently – Germany
• The Beijing-backed civil servant who on 26 March 2017 was chosen to be the first female Chief Executive of the Hong Kong is - Carrie Lam
• Hatsun is planning to set up two Greenfield projects in 2017-18 in - Coimbatore and Ongole
• The Supreme Court appointed Committee of Administrators (COA) on 26 March 2017 issued a seven-point instruction for the three existing BCCI office bearers, namely - Vice President CK Khanna, Joint Secretary Amitabh Chaudhary and Treasurer Aniruddh Chaudhry
• The Supreme Court (SC) of India on 27 March 2017 held that the government cannot make Aadhaar mandatory for availing benefits of - Welfare schemes
• The Indian Navy is preparing for de-induction of a Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft after 29 years of dedicated service to the nation - TU142M

US Universities report 26 per cent decline in Indian student

US Universities report 26 per cent decline in Indian student applications The universities in the United States of America have registered a share decline in the number of applications from Indian students amidst rising fears of hate crimes and anxiety over potential visa policy changes by the Trump administration. The decline was noted in a survey conducted jointly by the National Association for College Admission Counselling and its subgroup International Association for College Admission Counselling along with the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Institute of International Education and the Association of International Educators. Key Highlights
• The survey covered more than 250 American colleges and universities.
• Its preliminary results revealed a 26 per cent decline in undergraduate applications and a 15 per cent decline in graduate applications by students from India this fall.
• The full version of the survey report called ‘Open Doors 2016’ will be released by the end of March 2017.
• Overall, the survey reported an average drop of 40 per cent in the application forms by international students. Currently, India and China together make up 47 per cent of the US international student enrollment with almost half a million Indian and Chinese students studying in the US. The fear of potential visa policy changes has impacted China as well, as the country reported a drop of 25 per cent in its student applications in undergraduate studies and 32 per cent in graduate studies.

The Universal Immunization Program:

Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan on 24 March 2017 launched MoPNG e-Seva, a dedicated grievances redressal platform on Social Media for all queries and grievances relating to Oil and Gas Sector. The grievances will be dealt on real-time basis. Highlights of the MoPNG e-Seva
• The MoPNG e-Seva portal will be a single point interface for all customers to reach out to the government for addressing their feedback or grievances related to Oil & Gas Sector on social media.
• It will also deliver 24 x 7 support for consumers.
• It will serve as a single point for queries on Twitter and Facebook to begin with; and other social media platforms in due course.
• A team of Nodal Officers from Oil Companies and Allied Services will be addressing the issues on real-time basis.
• Conversations will be tracked on real-time basis and a standard operating procedure will be put into place for immediate intervention and closure by concerned officials of Companies.
• It will also handle queries that are received on the official handles of Union Petroleum Minister and Union Petroleum Ministry.
• For quick intervention and resolution of complaints, consumers can send their feedback or query with compulsory information like Full Name, Consumer ID, Location, Service Agency and Company Details on Twitter or Facebook.

Friday, 24 March 2017

ICICI launched Mera iMobile application for rural customers ICICI Bank Ltd.

ICICI launched Mera iMobile application for rural customers ICICI Bank Ltd., India’s largest private sector bank by consolidated assets, on 20 March 2017 announced the launch of Mera iMobile application. Mera iMobile, which is currently available only for retail customers, offers more than 130 services across categories. Following are the various services offered by the ICICI Mera iMobile application
• Retail Banking Services: Mera iMobile offers more than 100 regular financial and non-financial banking services like fund transfer, recharges, bill payment and general insurance.
• Agri Banking: These are specialised services available under Cards and Loans section where rural banking services like Gold Loan, Tractor Loan, Kisan Credit Card and SHG-Retail are offered.
• Agri Advisory Services: The prominent non-banking services section of Mera iMobile offers rural advisory services of current mandi prices and real-time weather information.
• SMS Banking (Non-Data): This segment offers almost 17 short message service (SMS) based banking and non-banking services like balance enquiry, last 3 transactions, credit card balance, send money, recharges and cheque book services.
• The services under this segment can be availed without internet and logging to the app also is not required. Following are the unique features of Mera iMobile.
• Mera iMobile can be used with or without internet.
• It’s an independent app and a customer can have both iMobile and Mera iMobile installed on his handset.
• It is available in 11 languages, including Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam. CCEA approved North East Road Network Connectivity Project Phase I
• SMS based services available for rural customers such as balance enquiry, last 3 transactions, send money, credit card payment related services and recharges on Activate Now and Services screen.
• Various farmer and agri loan services like Kisan Credit Card, Gold Loan, Tractor Loans, and Self Help Group loan are offered through this app.
• In addition to the existing iMobile calculators, specialty calculators are available for Gold Loan and Kisan Credit Card in the application.

World Bank signs USD 100 million Health Care Deal for Uttarakhand

World Bank signs USD 100 million Health Care Deal for Uttarakhand The World Bank on 23 March 2017 signed a USD 100 million credit agreement with the Union Government and Uttarakhand to improve quality of healthcare services in all 13 districts of Uttarakhand. The agreement for the project was signed by Raj Kumar, Joint Secretary in Union Ministry of Finance; Neeraj Kharwal, Project Director for the Uttarakhand Health Systems and World Bank India Operations Manager and Acting Country Director Hisham Abdo Kahin. The project aims to reduce the financial risk for its citizens and make affordable and quality health care available to all. It will also strengthen the government’s ability to effectively engage with the private sector to pursue the innovations planned under this project. The loan will be from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank with a maturity of 25 years, including a 5-year grace period. Background Most public health facilities in the middle and upper mountainous areas of Uttarakhand are unable to function optimally because of large-scale vacancies of health staff. In 2013, 48 per cent of the posts of general duty medical officers and 75 per cent of the specialists posts were vacant in the state despite a liberal government policy to hire contractual doctors.

ISRO sends four teams to 36th Expedition to Antarctica

ISRO sends four teams to 36th Expedition to Antarctica The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in March 2017 announced that it has sent four teams to install stakes on ice for Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) to validate the glacier surface velocity. The teams will mount the stakes around Indian station known as Bharati and Maitri. Key highlights
• One team is from Space Application Center and the second team is from National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC). The third and fourth team belongs to IRS Dehradun and Space Physics Laboratory.
• The Union Ministry of Earth Sciences organizes the Indian Scientific Mission to Antarctica (ISEA) every year.
• Climate change is the thrust area of the 36th ISEA.
• The mission aims to install stakes on the ice for DGPS measurements. These teams will study and collect the data from the satellite.
• Based on the data collected, the teams will validate the glacier surface velocity in order to measure the thickness of snow over the land and sea using GPR’s.
• Further, the teams will also verify the situations of snow over the sea and land ice.
• In addition, these four teams will study snow melt and freeze dynamics on Antarctica. They will use space-based and ground-based facts and data to research on this. About Indian Antarctic Program
• The Indian Antarctic Program is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional program.
• It was initiated in 1981 with the first Indian expedition to Antarctica.
• It gained global acceptance with India's signing of the Antarctic Treaty and subsequent construction of the Dakshin Gangotri Antarctic research base in 1983. The base was superseded by the Maitri base from 1990.
• The newest Indian base at the continent, Bharati, was commissioned in 2015. It is constructed out of 134 shipping containers.

BJP legislator Michael Lobo elected as deputy speaker of Goa assembly

BJP legislator Michael Lobo elected as deputy speaker of Goa assembly Michael Lobo, a BJP legislator was elected as the Deputy speaker of the Goa Assembly on 24 March 2017. Lobo, who is a two-time MLA from Goa’s Calangute constituency, defeated the Congress nominee Izidore Fernandes by 21-15 during the final day of the state’s Budget session. Key Highlights
• While one Congress MLA Churchill Alemao refrained from voting, another Fransisco Silveira reached late to the House.
• Speaker Pramod Sawant also did not vote.
• The state has a 40 member house and one of the MLA’s resigned just days after the assembly poll results were announced.
• Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar after congratulating Lobo on his win escorted him to his chair.
• Chandrakant Kavlekar, the leader of opposition (INC) and a three-time assembly member also congratulated Lobo on his win. In his victory speech, Lobo showed staunch support for the Chief Minister and stated that he will always be with him due to Parrikar’s vision for Goa. ISRO sends four teams to 36th Expedition to Antarctica NCST approves proposal for 5 additional seats for tribals in Sikkim Assembly About Michael Lobo
• Born on 18 June 1976 in Mapusa, Goa, Lobo is an Indian businessperson and politician.
• He defeated incumbent Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calangute constituency, Agnelo Nicholas Fernandes in 2012 state assembly elections.
• He became a member of the Sixth Legislative Assembly of the State of Goa on 7 March 2012.
• Besides this, he is Chairman of the North Goa Planning and Development Authority and a member of different committees in the Government of Goa.

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काबिज नजूल : आबादी भूमि पर बने मकान को विक्रय करते समय बिक्रीनामा तैयार करने की प्रक्रिया-Occupied Nazul or populated land

काबिज नजूल अथवा आबादी भूमि पर बने मकान को विक्रय करते समय बिक्रीनामा तैयार करने की प्रक्रिया:   1. दस्तावेज इकट्ठा करना: विक्रेता और खरीदार ...